5 tips to stick to your new years resolutions

Everyone in the Sutherland Shire it seems, whether it’s cliched or not, wants to make their new year something special. Sometimes you are looking to move on from a bad year and sometimes you’re looking to carry your momentum forward.

In most cases this usually involves some physical aspirations and I’m here to tell you how you can get the most out of those.


1. Write it down

Writing down your goal is one thing but the biggest difference I’ve seen in achieving my personal goals is writing down every morning what I am working towards becoming. At the moment mine is as follows:

I am a kick-ass athlete. I am strong and successful and I am building a healthy body.

This may evolve and change over time but the importance doesn’t lessen.

This just reminds me each day why i’m doing what I’m doing which leads me to my next point.


2. How to stay motivated

Writing down what you want to believe about yourself and become is almost like writing a to-do list for your day. Try it for a 3 weeks and see how it wires your brain to want to get into the gym and train.

It provides the perfect counter argument for the “I don’t feel like it today” response. So start ticking some boxes each day.


3. Don’t go it alone

Now that might mean for you grabbing your best friend to take up a deal and train together to have coffee afterwards or it may mean finding someone to coach you.

Having someone you like to train with creates a positive spin on exercise rather than the thought that it’s too hard.

And finding a coach gives you the confidence to know that you are doing the right thing.



4. One day at a time

Pretty straight forward. Don’t look at how many days there are in a year or that you set your target to be achieved by April. Just look at today.

What do you have today… Squats and a circuit? Awesome, put in the effort there. High-5 everyone at the end and get on with your today.

Tomorrow you can focus on tomorrow and put your effort in there.

When you take your thoughts and focus and just put them onto the task at hand and nothing else, you’ll find you have much more capacity to achieve your goal because you have a surplus of focus.



5. Find a great community

This is similar to don’t go it alone but something we all love and enjoy is seeing our success and achievements celebrated.

The quote “It takes a village to raise a child” can be applied here. Sometimes it takes a village to help you break months and years of bad habits and physical neglect and there’s nothing wrong with that, in fact it’s an amazing opportunity to enrich your life more than just the physical aspiration can.

I hope you can find a way to apply these tips as we approach the new year and I wish you all the success with your goals!

If you’re looking for some help with your new year’s goals we are offering your first month free if you sign up before January 15th. Our fundamentals program will need to be completed first then you can train for an entire month free of charge!


Get in touch!

Coach Vaughn

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